Project information

  • Product Name: Innovative electronic rear-view camera
  • Event Name: NOVUS X.0 Producathon 2021
  • Event date: 15 December, 2021
  • Event URL: Click to Visit

Innovative electronic rear-view camera

Given 4 Domains with 26 Challenges, they (Team Matrix) chose to work upon e-Mirrors under Electronics Domain. They have designed and developed a virtual rear-view mirror with overwhelming value over existing physical mirrors and stands out from the existing alternative virtual mirror systems.

The idea presentation secured First place amongst the 400+ ideas pitched across the country. A global jury has judged the competition. Along with Prize money of ₹1,25,000 and prototype funding, they were also supported for IP Protection.

Our Intellectual Property is now transferred to Faurecia, India. Currently, the invention is in the process of filing Invention Disclosure Forms (IDFs).