Project information

  • Product Name: EvapoReefer
  • Event Name: PDI-C, GES 2018, IITKGP
  • Event date: 2-4 March, 2018
  • Event URL: Click to Visit

EvapoReefer - An alternative to conventional refrigirated trucks

Following the streak of showcasing our enthusiasm and zeal for erudition and moulding our ideas into innovative products, our product Evapo - Reefer was announced as the winner of Product Design Idea Competition conducted in Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2018 by E-Cell, IIT Kharagpur on 3rd February, 2018.

The product was aimed to improve the life of consumable commodities during transportation and to reduce food wastage in supply chain by designing a power efficient cold storage transportation system.

Winning is a tradition here, at ProDex! We congratulate the team for adding another feather in their beret !