Project information

  • Product Name: Smart Clubfoot Brace
  • Event Name: Invention Factory, IIT Bombay 2022
  • Event date: May 19-July 1, 2022
  • Event URL: Click to Visit

Smart Clubfoot Brace

Invention Factory India is a six-week summer program in which IIT students from across India, working in teams of two, Prototype, Pitch and Patent inventions that each team has conceived of in the program's first intensive week. Teams compete for substantial prize money for the “Best Inventions“ as determined by an illustrious panel of judges who select the inventions, with functioning prototypes, that successfully meet an important societal or consumer need.

This device is a smart corrective brace for kids with an objective to ensure a higher compliance rate, enabling every baby with clubfoot to sleep comfortably.

The Team placed first and took home a cash prize of Rs. 2 Lakhs